This edition of my blog emphasizes two things that are hard for most 5th graders and adults to do well. The first is subtraction (be honest adults, you know it's easy to make mistakes), and the second is metacognition, or thinking about your thinking.
This task asked that students solve a fairly easy subtraction task two ways and then to give a rationale for the method that they prefer. Many kids wrote that they preferred one method over another, "because it was easier for them to do" or because, "that's the way that they did it last year in class". However, some students were able to make statements that relate to the value of the numbers, the distance between the numbers, a preference for addition over subtraction, a need for a visual strategy, or a like or dislike of negative numbers!
If you are an adult, try to answer that same question. I bet it will not be easy :-}
Thanks for making the kid's MAth so available for us old folks. Showing their work in class helps us understand what they are learning and opens up opportunities for talking about it at home. Bravo!
I like how you put the different peaces of work, so that we can see other peeps strategies to help them solve the answer!
P.S. your dogs are so CUTE!!!!!
My child loves math now she said you make it
by:Beth Carmona
I liked how you put students opinion like:I learned that last year also,I like this better because it's much easier.
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