Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spinner Games and Probability

If the above picture was a spinner game, and you were given the choice of "two scoring options" to choose (you would get a point if you landed on a number that met the requirements of either of your two options chosen), what would you choose?

A. a prime number
B. an odd number
C. a multiple of 5
D. an even number

Many students would look at choice A, and state that it has a 4:8 or 50% probability, as 4 of the 8 numbers are prime.

B would have a 5:8 or 62.5% probability, as there are 5 odd numbers

C would have a 4:8 or 50% probability, as there are 4 multiples of 5

D would have a 3:8 or 37.5% probability, as there are 3 even numbers

Man students would just look for the highest probabilities. Perhaps, they would choose A and B, but if you study those choices closely, you may see that several sections would be possible "losers". So, what two options would you choose?

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