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Doing revisions correctly takes a bunch more work than just stating a new answer. Only by clearly stating why a prior answer was wrong and providing new evidence (NEW WORK), can an instructor be sure that the concept involved has really been mastered.
In this example, every distractor (answer choice) is examined. Clear reasons are stated as to why there is only one correct answer. This is enough to convince the person in charge (ME) that the concept of what a square number really is is now understood.
Just trying to keep up in the math department, Mr. Ruark!!!
Great webpage and blog!
Susan Carter( Kaitlyn's mom)
The teacher, appreciates the kind comment! I'll be sure your kiddo gets some smarties too!
Mr. Ruark
i bet this is one of the most fun things on edc
I like the Another Great Example!!!
I like the Another Great Example!!!
Mr.Raurk I think we shoul have more challeging numbers on PTB
Hey,Mr.Ruark! It's me Kajal from last year! I remember the prime-time battles that we have. Congradulations on being the teacher of the year!I just wanted to say that I miss Chets Creek, and I'm doing o.k. in at Kernan Middle! Bye!!
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