These revisions are very well done. They really show an understanding of what was done incorrectly, and the new work shows that the concepts in question are, indeed, now understood.
I especially liked the explanation in the "money" problem that sated that the student in question "Didn't add back the 3 (cents) that I rounded to." This shows a pretty complete understanding of the error that was made. I can also accept the "blonde moment" explanation for multiplying by 7 instead of 6, as that is just a lapse in concentration, and it's funny!
I hope this shows that really revising problems is a bunch of work, and that it is not something to rely on as a way to overcome a lack of participation in the class or at home. Rather, revisions are a way to refocus on a few concepts or errors that were not quite clear at test time.
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Wow, they did a great job!
A great job was done in detailing not only the correct answer but in also recognizing where was the 'wrong turn' taken. Doing a revision is a bunch work both on the student and the teacher. If the concept is grasped, then I think it is well worth it especially when the skill or content is being build upon. ;-)
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