I am going to write out a math situation, and then I am going to ask you to do two things. First, I want you to tell me what words you think are the key(s) to solving the problem. Second, I want you to tell me what your first physical step (or first couple of steps) would be to solve the problem (grab a calculator, line up the digits...). ELA FOLKS, THERE IS NO WRONG ANSWER HERE!
Gidgi and Kay-T want to go to a concert with there best friend Roger. The tickets are $37.50 each. Together they have saved $92.75. Do they have enough money? Do they have too much money? Will they get change back? Will they need more money? Will Roger enjoy the show? Will this blog ever end?
OK, Tom...good, bad or ugly...here it is:
#1 together, change, enough
#2 For my first step I would multiply $37.50 by 3 to see the amount of three tickets.
See Malanie, you have no problem finding a starting point. There are no wrong perceptions. However, there is great power in creating momentum. Your thoughts have done just that! Congrats!
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